Sunday, October 21, 2012

Almost ready to go!

Just a flash update this time, since I still have to finish preparing my suitcase for the plane.

The bird ( Hawk ? ) you can see at the start of the post, is the mascotte of our new app, I can't disclose more details right now because we're under NDA till the end of the Hackathon.

During the past days, we've received an interview from Wired and a live radio interview from EcoRadioDiretta.

We'll take our plane tomorrow in the morning (considering it's midnight, I should say *today*). We have an half free day to spend in Milan before the competition starts. We'll visit the city, eat at some ethnic restaurant (I hope we'll go for japanese \o/ ), meet with some friends we have there ( Kyon! and...others =P ).

Among everything else, our most important task tomorrow afternoon is to take part to... Gangnam Style's Flash Mob in Milan . I guess I don't need you guys to tell you about PSY, HyunA and Gangnam Style's since it's one of the most spread viral songs of the moment, with over 500 millions of visits on youtube and almost 4.5 millions of likes (#1 video in youtube's history).

I gotta go now.

Wish us luck! :)
See y'all soon! ;3

Thursday, October 11, 2012

To Milan's Hackathon!!!

As I announced in the previous post, I restarted drawing, nothing big, I am still rusty.
What you can find here in the blog post is one of the stuffs I managed to get done.
I agree with Stephie that I should've made the hair longer in order to cover the eyes (Constructive criticism is always welcome!). Down on the post you will find the intermediate images and the step-by-step video.

But what's exactly the reason that made me restart drawing?
It's not that I needed a reason since I like it, but, with things being as busy as they are, it isn't certainly easy time to find the time to draw. So...why?
Me and my team (SmartDevs, with Vic and Enri) have been invited to the Hackathon in Milan (22th-23th October), since we are the actual winners of Naples edition. This time the sponsor will be not only Renault but also Siemens, and they took care of our lodging and food expenses. We also have our plane tickets booked already.
We will depart on sunday 21th and get back home on tuesday night, it's going to be a fun 3-days, and even if it's going to be hard to repeat the success of the previous edition, we hope we'll manage to do well.

I hope I'll find the time to give you guys some more info in the next days, for now...
See y'all soon! ;3

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Back! Words from Tyria

My current PvP armor (Short Bow)
Uhuh this time it took even more than the previous double? Oh whatever! xD

As I was announcing in the previous post (and as you can guess from the many pictures you can find in this post) I started playing GW2...well not just started.
Okay I got to lvl 80 in around 10 days, and I managed to get a full lvl 80 Exotic gear for PvE (Best stats in the game though not exactly the best for the looks, I'll transmute it at some point =_=), and then focused on PvP and tournments to reach a rank higher than 20 (ranks past 10 start to become painful!). As of lately, I am focusing on getting a 100% complete map, and when you do that, you realize just how huge Tyria's world is.
From the left: Mordicai (Giuli's piggie pet), Giuli, Me, the furry Enri, the lemonade Vic and the other Enrico

From the left: the handsome Kyon, me, Giuli.

From the left: Dissénsion, Vic, Kyon, the ninja-style me, Giuli.

I've been having a lot of fun in GW2, but a great part of it has been thanks to the people who have been playing with me, both those who started the adventure with me, and those we met for the first time ingame. But among them, it has been a pleasurable turn of events the fact that also Vic and Enri decided to play with us.

My pirate self in front of the Tower we managed to conquer in WvW's Eternal Battleground thanks to Neftiaf
Beside playing GW2, I've been learning and honing my skills regarding Html5, Css3, and jQuery reading the books I bought, checking online tutorials, and experimenting a lot with the code.

After experimenting with Windows8 RC/RTM, after I received my official copies from MSDNAA, I decided to take the last step and install once and for all the new OS on both my desktop (soon to be replaced since the GTX660Ti is finally out!) and on my laptop. So far it's working wonders, it's faster to boot, it takes less RAM, and it generally is faster (I managed to raise the graphic settings on GW2, but I get a few FPS more than before!). The only two issues I have are with my touchpad (the multitouch/gesture drivers for W8 are ready but not yet released by ELAN) and with my Razer Naga. The mouse works, but I am not able to bind the side-keys through Synaptic (the configuring software). Razer support told me they'll soon release a W8 compatible version, so all in all it's just a matter of time, but it was a pain to get used to a different key scheme in GW2 =_=.

Also my classes started. "Classes" is a big word, because this semester for a poor organization on the schedule, we've been assigned a single course of 2 hours twice per week. While on a side it's nice for once not to be busy all the week with classes, it would've been better to get a few others to finish also this step. Thanks to the extra free time, I've been able to keep jogging, unlike the other years, and I hope the weather won't be a jerk. :)

I added a new song: Musica by Fly Project

el amor me quema, la música suena
la noche de cristal es belleza y …
el amor me quema, la música suena
la noche de cristal es belleza y…

o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba

el amor me quema, la música suena
la noche de cristal es belleza y…
el amor me quema, la música suena
la noche de cristal es belleza y…

o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba

i have a reason to let you cry, let you cry
i can’t forget when you said goodbye, my, my, my!
i’m like a bird flying in the sky, in the sky,
i see you’re hot selling me a lie, my, my!

el amor me quema, la música suena
la noche de cristal es belleza y…
el amor me quema, la música suena
la noche de cristal es belleza y…

o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba

me gusta siempre tu amor, me gusta lo mejor!
me gusta siempre tu amor, me gusta lo mejor!
me gusta siempre tu amor, me gusta lo mejor!
me gusta siempre tu amor, me gusta lo mejor!

o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
o malea simpalao matelame je samba
The song has a nice rhythm and the lyrics are in a few different languages (Spanish / Portuguese / English), it's been one of the most aired songs during the summer, and I liked it among the others.

My pvp armor (Pistol/Dagger)
As of today I decided to restart drawing in preparation of...something in the next future, but this, will me material for another blog post.

See y'all soon! :3