Friday, October 22, 2010

The distance between the hearts

I stumbled upon this italian text that I found really deep, so I thought I'll translate [I hope in an appropriate way] and post it:

A day, an indian thinker asked the following question to his disciples:
"Why do people shout when they are angry?".
"They shout because they lose their temper" answered one of them.
"But why to shout if the person is on his side?" asked again the thinker.
"Well, we shout because we wish the other person listens to us" replied another disciple.
The master asked again: "Then is it not possible to talk to him with a low voice?".
Several other answers were given, but none persuaded the thinker.
He then affirmed: "Do you know why you shout against another person when you're angry?
The thing is that when two people are angry, their hearts get really far from each other. And to cover this distance you need to shout to able to listen to each other.
The more they are angry the more they will need to shout to listen each other.
On the other side, what happens when two people are in love? They won't shout, they talk suavely. And why?
Because their hearts are really close. The distance between them is really small.
And sometimes their hearts are so close they don't even talk, they just whisper.
And when the love is even more intense it is not even necessary to whisper, they just need to look at each other. Their hearts understand each other.
And this happens when two people that are in love get close.".
Finally the thinker concluded saying: "When you discuss don't let your heart get far from the other person, don't say words that may enlarge the distance, because a day will come in which the distance will be so great that they won't cross anymore the road to come back.".

Mahatma Gandhi

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