Thursday, October 11, 2012

To Milan's Hackathon!!!

As I announced in the previous post, I restarted drawing, nothing big, I am still rusty.
What you can find here in the blog post is one of the stuffs I managed to get done.
I agree with Stephie that I should've made the hair longer in order to cover the eyes (Constructive criticism is always welcome!). Down on the post you will find the intermediate images and the step-by-step video.

But what's exactly the reason that made me restart drawing?
It's not that I needed a reason since I like it, but, with things being as busy as they are, it isn't certainly easy time to find the time to draw. So...why?
Me and my team (SmartDevs, with Vic and Enri) have been invited to the Hackathon in Milan (22th-23th October), since we are the actual winners of Naples edition. This time the sponsor will be not only Renault but also Siemens, and they took care of our lodging and food expenses. We also have our plane tickets booked already.
We will depart on sunday 21th and get back home on tuesday night, it's going to be a fun 3-days, and even if it's going to be hard to repeat the success of the previous edition, we hope we'll manage to do well.

I hope I'll find the time to give you guys some more info in the next days, for now...
See y'all soon! ;3

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