Friday, July 30, 2010

Training Training Training x_x!!!

And here we are 4 days into my intensive training X_X

I have to say that the hardest (and most painful) day has been the 3rd though.

While the first one, was dedicated to soccer, the successive ones have been run, push ups, sit ups, sprints, chair climbing and the like of this. I've been doing this in the public park, and, considering the season, I've been blessed with a mild weather, a little sunny but with a refreshing wind.

Altough I know it's not the best of the plans to train like this everyday, I realized that for my lazy self, it's better to do the same work (be it a game, a project or... training) everyday, just to keep myself set in that particular state of mind. In fact in the past when I tried training and did it day in / day off, I ended postponing the run indefinitely. I hope I'll survive to the weekend's break.

I also realized I really dislike running without a goal, a purpose. And I hate it a little bit less on a tapis roulant (maybe because in that situation I can disconnect my brain and not think about it, while in the park I have to dodge the other people :X ). Soccer, sports in general and even stair / wall climbing is more affine to me.

I am considering the purchase of a cyclette for the cold and rainy winter period.
  • As just mentioned, in winter the weather isn't that nice, so having it in home make so you can't justify the lack of training with the "I don't want to get drenched" excuse.
  • With a cyclette you can do other stuffs while training (ie. watching tv / pc , reading something, etc etc)
  • A cyclette doesn't take as much space as a tapis roulant.
  • You need to train always, and not just in summer, but during the year there is never enough time.

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