Monday, May 7, 2012

Drawing step by step & Supermoon

Hello everyone! Today I am opening this blog post with a drawing I managed to get done across the weekend. Initially I was practicing the outline and shape of hands but while I was doing the sketch all the rest flowed pretty natural, and it turned out to be the one you can see. This time I remembered to export different stages of the drawing process, so I was able to prepare a step-by-step gallery and even a video (Check the last part of this post).

Beside drawing, it was a funny weekend. Did you guys check out the Super Moon ( My balcony was a nice spot to observe it, plus there was nobody home, since my parents went out with some friends, so I could have the house all for myself and invite someone over. With a telescope first and iced Martini cocktails for two then, the saturday night flowed on its own nicely :)
I'd suggest you guys to watch this one. It's really worth a laugh. Credits to Vic.
Now here are the different steps of the drawing process:

Here instead is the video made with all the frames I took:

See y'all soon! :)

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