Monday, May 28, 2012

Changing girl

Here's my last work. A little ecchi, as you can see. I hope it's spicy enough, without being vulgar. It didn't take much time, but I had a little troubles for the hair's color. Originally, it was green (the first one of the alternative versions), but Tay didn't want my first green-haired girl to be half naked, so I had to try other colors (as you can see from the many colors on the side of the frames). It was a busy weekend, and today I had the house free because my parents were out for a cerimony. So... :3
There is no much more to add, so I'll leave you to the intermediate images, the alternative versions, and the step-by-step video:


Alternative versions:

Step-by-Step video:

See y'all soon! :)

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