Sunday, July 29, 2012

Code Camp: Day #9

A bit flushed...but it's also due to the tan :3
Yesterday was a light day, since we had a free half day to go to the beach, we woke up late, also 'coz the night before, I stayed up till late, and I had...a lot to do, if you know what I mean ;) . The afternoon was spent to work to the new project for the other company (Sandei) that is sponsorizing the CodeCamp, while Lala kept me company, chatting and laughing together.

Afterhours concert
After having dinner and a few drinks with...some friends at the ExFadda, we went to the Afterhours's concert, since the organization of the event decided to give us free tickets. Their music wasn't exactly in my tastes, but luckily, after the concert ended, we moved to a different place to dance and party. We stayed there till late, some songs the DJ put up were a bit "meh", but at least I was in good company :) And I can say that when girls are at discos, with a bit of alcool, are quite easy. Even too easy.

We got back home late, but even so, while someone was so drunk that wanted to just sleep, me and someone else were a bit hungry, so, before heading to bed (at 6 am), we prepared some Ravioli with Panna and Mushrooms.

See y'all soon!

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